• 1.0 The Organisation: The organisation shall be called ‘The Friends of St Ives Estate’ – hereafter referred to as ‘the Group’

  • 2.0 The Estate: The term ‘St Ives Estate’ shall include all areas and buildings (other than those in private ownership) within the boundaries of Altar Lane, Harden Road and Keighley Road as shown on the attached map. The Estate is in the ownership of City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. The group does not have any ownership rights on the Estate except as lessees of the Visitor Centre and History Garden.

  • 3.0 The Friends of St Ives Estate shall be a voluntary body formed from interested members of the general public and other interested parties. It will be a non political group and is affiliated to the Trust for Conservation Volunteers.

  • 4.0 The Aims and Objectives of the Group:
    o) To develop projects and events, in partnership with or with the knowledge of the landowners and to apply for grants and other funding in order to carry these out.
    i) To liaise with other users of the Estate and to help represent their interests.
    ii) To work to conserve and enhance the ecological, historic and landscape values of the estate and its environs.
    iii) To notify the landowners when any hazards or problems become apparent and to assist in their resolution.
    iv) To liaise with the landowners in the care and maintenance of the Estate.
    v) To preserve, interpret and publicise the cultural, historical and ecological value of the Estate.
    vi) To encourage all organisations with an interest in the Estate to be represented as part of the Group.
    vii) To operate any facilities and services on the Estate for which the Group has responsibility.
    viii) To communicate and liaise with the landowners, tenants and other interested parties in all matters concerning the Estate.
    viiii)To apply and carry out any activities necessary to achieve the above objectives.

  • 5.0 Membership of the Group shall be open to anyone with an interest in preserving and enhancing the Estate for the benefit of environmental, ecological, historical, educational and recreational purposes or with a general interest in furthering the objectives of the Group.

  • 6.0 The Committee. A committee shall be formed and maintained from the membership of the Group and shall consist of the following:

  • Chairperson
    Deputy Chairperson
    Projects Officer

  • The Friends of St Ives Page 1 Constitution – Revision 2014 o Fund Raising Officer
    o Membership Officer
    o Press and Public Relations Officer
    o Website Consultant
    Note: all of the above are designated ‘officers’ of the Committee. Any committee member may fulfil more than one of the above roles.
    o Representatives of: the Golf Club, the Archery Club, the Angling Club, the Cafe, the tenants of the Mansion, the Stables and Equestrian Centre, the Landowners (Bradford Council), the Community Warden Service and the Police.
    o Committee Members.
    As many ordinary committee members as necessary to achieve the aims and objectives of the Group.
    Note : The above two groups are designated ‘ordinary’ committee members.

  • 7.0 Appointments to the Committee. Appointments to the Committee may be made by agreement at any ordinary meeting of the Group.
    A list of Committee Members will be presented for agreement at each Annual General Meeting.
    The Committee shall have the power to make temporary appointments to assist with specific projects or fund raising.

  • 8.0 Terms of Service. Each Committee member will, unless circumstances dictate otherwise, serve for a period of one year between the dates of the Annual General Meeting.
    Prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting each Committee Member will be requested to confirm their willingness to continue in service for a further year or their wish to stand down.
    A completed list of proposed Committee Members arising from this process will be presented to the Annual General Meeting for agreement.
    Any disagreement arising at the Annual General Meeting shall be referred to the next ordinary meeting for resolution.
    Every third year, commencing with the AGM of 2014, a separate proposal will be put to the AGM to specifically re-elect the ‘officers’ of the committee.
    Re-election of officers and ordinary committee members will be decided on a simple majority of those attending the AGM.
    The appointment of any officer or ordinary committee member may be terminated by agreement at any ordinary committee meeting and will be the subject of report to the following AGM.

  • 9.0 Meetings of the Group. The committee will determine the number of ordinary meetings to be held during any year and the number of meetings will be consistent with the execution of the aims and objectives of the Group.
    Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairperson to deal with urgent matters. Decisions of the meetings will be decided by general agreement or, where necessary, a vote will be taken and the decision made on a simple majority of the votes. In the event of equal votes the Chairperson will have a casting vote. A full record of all meetings (minutes) will be kept by the Secretary and the minutes will be signed by the Chairperson following approval by the Committee.

  • 10.0 Annual General Meeting. There shall be an Annual general Meeting of the Group held in the spring of each year (April to June). At each Annual General Meeting there shall be reports from the Officers of the Committee, the acceptance of minutes, the submission and acceptance of accounts, the election and/or confirmation of the serving officers and ordinary members of the Committee for the next year and the opportunity for discussion of any general matters concerning the Group. Any member of the Group shall have the right to nominate a person to serve as an officer or ordinary Committee Member. Any changes to the Constitution of the Group shall be discussed and voted upon at the Annual General Meeting. All matters at the Annual General Meeting shall be decided on a simple majority vote with the Chairperson have a casting vote.
    Notification of the date of the Annual General Meeting will be given to each member of the Group at least 21 days prior to the date of the meeting.

  • The Friends of St Ives Page 2 Constitution – Revision 2014

    11.0 Finances The Committee shall ensure that:
    o A bank account in the name of ‘The Friends of St Ives Estate’ is maintained for the general finances of the Group. Authorisation of cheques, payments and withdrawals will made by any two of the authorised signatories to the account.
    o Full accounting records shall be maintained and presented for approval at the Annual general Meeting. o From time to time special accounts may be arranged for specific and dedicated purposes. The same authorisation rules as those applying to the general account shall apply to these special accounts.
    o Funds belonging to the Group shall be used only in furthering the aims and objectives of the Group.
    o The annual accounts of the Group shall be checked or audited by a suitable person appointed by the Committee.

    12.0 Dissolution of the Group. If the Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Group it shall call a special meeting of all members of the Group, giving at least 21 days notice and stating the terms of the resolution to dissolve the Group. The decision to dissolve the Group will be decided on a simple majority of those attending the meeting and the Chairperson shall have a casting vote. The assets of the Group will be dealt with as follows:
    o All debts and liabilities will be settled from the assets of the Group
    o All property and goods belonging to the Group shall be liquidated and the money arising shall be added to the general financial account of the Group.
    o Following the above, the balance of the financial assets of the Group shall be transferred to any other Group having similar aims and objectives to The Friends of St Ives Estate.
    The destination of the remaining funds shall be decided at the Special Dissolution Meeting upon a recommendation of the Committee.

  • END OF CONSTITUTION The Friends of St Ives Page 3 Constitution – Revision 2014