Over the years the group has completed many projects and tasks in the estate
and continue to do so with regular meetings of the committee .
The PTT (Practical Task Team) meet fortnightly to do jobs around the estate
from litter picking to balsam bashing!

The Aims and Objectives of the Group:

  • To develop projects and events, in partnership with or with the knowledge of the landowners and to apply for grants and other funding in order to carry these out.

  • To liaise with other users of the Estate and to help represent their interests.

  • To work to conserve and enhance the ecological, historic and landscape values of the estate and its environs.

  • To notify the landowners when any hazards or problems become apparent and to assist in their resolution.

  • To liaise with the landowners in the care and maintenance of the Estate.

  • To preserve, interpret and publicise the cultural, historical and ecological value of the Estate.

  • To encourage all organisations with an interest in the Estate to be represented as part of the Group.

  • To operate any facilities and services on the Estate for which the Group has responsibility.

  • To communicate and liaise with the landowners, tenants and other interested parties in all matters concerning the Estate.

  • To apply and carry out any activities necessary to achieve the above objectives

The friends of St. Ives Estate practical task team started work on this border in 2023.
We have tried to use plants which would have been seen in Victorian borders since this walled area is part of the Long Walk from St Ives mansion.
Funds for the purchase of plants were provided from filming on the estate of scenes featured in the BBC mini-series Boat Story. We thank the production company for the funds and Woodbank Garden Centre in Harden who sourced the plants for us.
We are developing the area immediately to the left as a stumpery and fernery.
This is a style of woodland garden often seen on estates of the Victorian era.

The border garden in the picnic area opposite the cafe.

Ongoing Project ‘Stumpery’.

As the saying goes…..


The official friends of St.Ives Estate, looks like this.


The facebook page is updated with photos of the Practical Task Teams
projects after our latest session , every other Thursday.
Any events will also be advertised on Facebook.

Like these photos, November 28th 2024, Coppicing with Rivers Trust.

The PTT have been working on Baxters pond recently, clearing the area and taking it back to its former glory.
After the snow and rain all waterfalls are in full flow, looks like a Disney backdrop.